ZOOM on 1st January 2021
from 2PM in UK, 3PM in France
Hosted by Claire.

Suggested program from Rebecca

" General catch up, how was Christmas?, people can show best present if they wish
" Ginger bread show if people think this would be an interesting activity to complete beforehand - could be ginger bread men/ house. Not compulsory.
" Carol charades. Each household will get a carol in advance which they need to mime. The performance can be completed before answers are given so its not a 'race' in the usual way.
" Find an object. Kids will be asked to go and find an object that best meets description e.g. noisiest object you can find in the house (but we won't be doing that one!) Once they are all back from each round, objects will be 'judged' by mum (Jud) according to which best fits the description
" While kids are searching, adults can make adult conversation. I wondered if anyone wanted to feedback on best moments in 2020, funniest event, something learnt, best 2020 joke, etc or reflect on past Christmases with memories jogged by uncle Arthur's video.
" Brief break? Some people are keen for a break at some point so could be 15 min break here if that is useful.
" Quizzes - we currently have place name emojis from dad (Bob) and Arthur's logo quiz suggested on the Hossell website. Chris also has a possible quick chocolate quiz that the kids might like if they know their chocolate bars. If these can be sent to uncle Arthur, they can go up on the website but could also be circulated by email nearer the time. Any other child friendly options welcome.
" Possible drinks table show and tell.? Obviously at camp, the gin table rules. At Christmas people may have selections of whisky/ port, etc they wish to show off but again not compulsory. Apparently there is an art of playing musical tunes by tapping the bottles full to different notes! - If anyone wants to perform their drinks table for us, that wins extra entertainment value!
" Nativity lego/ newspaper/ cardboard. I thought this might be something the kids (or anyone else) could be doing during the call (when not otherwise occupied in activities) to show at the end if they wish
" Any other business?!
I haven't put any time frames on as not sure how long it will take. I have tried to put the most interactive things nearer the start in case some people aren't able to stay for the whole thing. I hope we can see everyone at least for part of it even if the youngest are doing their own thing in the background - it was fun to watch Naomi playing last time ??
I hope this sounds ok for people. Uncle Arthur is kindly putting things up on the website to refer to if needed so please send him anything you think would be useful.

I would suggest that you send me the blank quizzes in advance and I will put them up here on 1st January 2021 and then we give out the answers on our Zoom meeting. If required I could release the quizzes individually at various times so that no one could start before others.

Arthur's logo quiz.
Arthur's logo quiz.ANS

Bob's place name Emojis.
Bob's place name Emojis.ANS

Chris's Chocolate quiz.
Chris's Chocolate quiz.ANS

Elizabeth's Gingerbread Men recipe.


Some zoom captures from Peter and Arthur

Remember our recipe page where there are some good Christmas ideas